Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Great Start

Hey, everyone. The Youth Ministry of Grace Place, Loveland Campus is off to a great start! Thanks to everyone for the awesome meeting tonight and thanks, especially to God for the movement of his Spirit in the middle of us and all the great ideas that came flying out. We're off to a great start! Please post your thoughts, comments, and reactions to tonight's meeting right here in the comments section. Come back everyday as this will be the main meeting place for our team. If you want to post a topic just e-mail it to me and I'll copy and paste it into a new blog post. We'll set-up threads for side topics or whatever we need. One of the threads will be where the book will get written about how God did this amazing thing through us. I hope you're all as excited as I am!!!


Anonymous said...

...that was amazing! I learned not to sit next to deep thinkers like Elijah! ha! I'm looking forward to seeing you all next Sunday as well as seeing what God has in store for this "What if...", students ministry =)

clay said...

This is really exciting. I can't wait to see what you all come up with and pray that there will be many students who are now "burned, bored, or by-passed," who will someday be "cured, captivated, and connected!" Pastor Clay

Gregg Chaddic said...

Great time! Please take the time to share what you thought of last night, impressions you got, your excitement, etc. It will be valuable when we get a ways down the road to look back to that first meeting, and it will be helpful to have that for the book. Maybe Tim can set up a post/thread/'spot' just for that or for the book.

Also, you need to start talking today about what's going to happen next Sunday and begin making your contacts and inviting.

Lastly (and first) pray. Pray initially for the students that will be there next week. Pray that God will bring them to us. Ask for miracles. Ask for God's blessing on our plans and for our plans to be focussed and shaped by his leading. Pray for the leaders (that would be YOU!).

In Christ alone...

Pastor Gregg

Mindy and Coda said...

Hey everybody,
Last night was amazing!!:) We had tons of fun and really enjoyed talking and planning everything out. We talked with our family last night and they had some really good ideas:
1. Have solid footing in the gospel before we try to help solidify others'.
2. Co-volunteering with the middle school and senior groups. While the seniors are ministering, have the younger groups running errands, yard work, cleaning etc.

We had more but I don't remember what they were at the moment!! :) We have also invited some friends to go on sunday!! Yay, lets pray they come. God Bless

Gregg Chaddic said...

It would be a good idea for leaders to study the Gospel together. It would start us off on the 'footing' of truly making the 'Main Thing' the MAIN thing.

What do you all think?

Pastor Gregg

Tim said...

I agree that there needs to be some structure to how we prepare and equip leaders that is heavily connected to the Gospel. Moving forward that's one of the things we should build in. Remember what I said about passing this on and planning for future leaders.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! I am sooo excited to be able to be a part of this launch.

Anyways, I was talking to Mindy about the solid footing idea that she already mentioned, and we thought that maybe we could all get together sometime this week again (maybe at Starbucks or at the Lighthouse cafe or something) before Sunday roles back around and just talk about what we know, what we want to learn, testimonies, questions, comments, and so forth, and just about the gospel and the love of Christ. Just so that we can all continue to get a better understanding and continue our growth with Christ so that we can, in turn help others start, or also continue in their walks as well. What do you guys think?

KahlieM said...

Hey everyone! I had an awesome time last night and I can't wait to see what this week brings!

Dana said...

In a word...INSPIRED! That is what I took home with me last night. God used the Holy Spirit and a small group of teenagers last night to remind me of His God-given passion...watching teenagers who love God set themselves loose to serve God. A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

For those of you who love Dare 2 Share and are truly interested in a youth driven and youth led youth ministry that has a heart for reaching other youth, you might be interested in training to be an "E-Team". The "E-Team" is a youth ministry model that equips and empowers student leaders to be the driving force in an effective and relational youth ministry. Youth ministries who have effectively used this model have experienced mighty things in the name of God. I know MikeW is familiar with it because he mentioned it Sunday morning. Just a thought. It would give us a place to start to see how we want to acheive all of these fantastic things.

I can't wait to see the "what ifs" turn into the "here and now"!

Another thought...anyone know someone who can play guitar and bring some songsheets for a time of accoustic worship?

Karissa said...

in responce to jenn:

i totally agree! we definatly need to do that! i think it's actually imparative.