Friday, May 16, 2008

Baby is in The House!

More accurately still in the hosptital...but we have news AND PICTURES of Pastor Gregg and AnnMarie's new baby, GARRET JEFFREY. He weighed in at 8 pounds even and 20 3/4 inches long. CONGRATULATIONS! Do you think Garret could join us for The Million Dollar Shopping Spree and Prince Caspian on Sunday? We'll treat him to popcorn! Not sure of the actual birthdate as it wasn't included in the e-mail I got. Pastor Gregg?


Jenn said...

CONGRATULATIONS GREGG AND ANNMARIE!!! He's really, really cute. I'm very excited for you. lol. And I'm way happy that he's healthy and doing well. God bless!

Gregg Chaddic said...

Thanks Mike, Tim, and Jenn.

He was born on May 13 at 1:33 pm. In my 'zeal' I forgot to include this information. Thanks for sharing in our joy. God is so good!

In Christ alone...

Mindy and Coda said...

Gregg and AnnMarie,
Congratulations, he's beautiful!! I'm really glad that everyone is doing great!! We look forward to meeting the newest part of our church!! :)