Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sweet Spot Shots

Last Sunday was so much fun I took pictures! Here's my favorite. I saw others taking pics, too. It would be fun to share our Sweet Spot Shots. Do you have any pics to share???


Deirdre said...

Oh my gosh, this week was so crazy! i can believe how many people showed up! its amazing to think that something that we started just a few short weeks ago has grown to this size! It is truly amazing.

i think that with our growing size in the next few weeks we should have a get together of sort, maybe on a Friday or some other day other then Sunday. We should just hang out and get to know each other (like we did at tims that one time) it would be so much fun!

Oh and hey i brought my camera this Sunday, and nick took a TON of pictures, some of them are really good! How do you want me to get those to you?

Tim said...

You can e-mail some of your favorites and I'll post them. You might have to send just two or three at time unless someone else has a better idea. I like the idea of having some "hang-out" times over the summer so we can get to know each other.

Anonymous said...

Deirdre = Great Ideas!
I'm on it! =)

Jenn said...

Hi all! Or should I say bonjourno! I'm so sorry I haven't been there the past couple of weeks, but I've been having a great time in Italy! I can't wait to come home and tell all you guys stories and get back into the swing of things. Sounds like things are going really, really well. That's so exciting! Anywho, I'll see all of you guys in a fe days. I'm living it up in Rome right now, you know, with the pope and all. lol.

God Bless!