Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 1 - Today's Meeting

It seems like not everyone was able to post a comment yesterday. This daily meeting thing will be a challenge with our meetings held online. Please encourage each other to jump online and join the conversation. For today I think we should respond to the invitation to meet in person before Sunday and talk about some details. Is there a day that works best for everyone? Who would pull together some goals for the meeting? Any suggestions and time and dates you're available would help. You guys are awesome and this Sunday will be amazing.


Mindy and Coda said...

Hey everyone,
For Coda and myself, any day this week is good, after school (3ish) works for us. The only day is Thursday that we can't make it cause we are going to a swim meet. Any other time would be good. I think that a good thing to do, would be just a little bible study. This way we can hear the perspective of other people our age, and the perspective of the GREAT adults that are helping us out!! :)God Bless

Anonymous said...

The "Sermon Igniter" idea is something that would be fun to explore for this Sunday night??? God has put this verse on my heart to challenge students to think "outside the box" when in comes to student ministry.

"All things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future - all are yours, and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God."
~ 1 Corinthians 3:21-23 NIV

Possibly speak five minutes on this verse and have student leaders & groups discuss questions like:

*What does it mean, "all things are yours?"

*All Are Yours?
Truth (testimony)?
Life & Death?
Present & Future?

*How are we "of Christ?"

What If... every student left this meeting struggling with the possibilities that this, "What If?" student ministry can impact what they believe is "true" as well as what they experience in their world, life, death, present & future?

...just a thought

Grace & Peace,


Karissa said...

from Karissa:
good idea mike and mindy/coda. i like them both. i have a really busy scedual this week. if you guys find a good time soneone can e-mail me or call me and i'll see what i can do to rearange my scedual.

to mike, i think that is a really good idea. but try not to make it so traditional "youth group" kind of thing. if we're going to think outside of the box, we need to start by thinking of new ways to get the same message accross. how is the question. anyone have any suggestions?

Jenn said...

Hey all!
I unfortunately work until 7 every night this week and from noon to 6 on Saturday. If any of you are willing to meet later in the evening, I'm game. Otherwise, I can get a hold of someone and just sit and have a nice chat with them before Sudnay Rolls around.
I know that some of the questions that I have are just really simple ones, and I'd love to sit down with even just one person and talk about them!
I'll check in to see if a time is set soon!
God bless!

Tim said...

Okay, so it looks like we won't be able to get everyone together before Sunday night. No big deal. We should think (talk) about ways to accomplish the goal of having some scripture support or "God conversation". I'll post a new thread where you can write questions and others can answer. And don't just think of it as teens asking and adults answering! Anyone can ask and anyone can answer. 'k?