Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Feeling Separated from God?

This is the topic we'll discuss this Sunday night at the Sweet Spot. Comment here to share any stories of a time you felt separated from God. What happened, if anything, that caused the feeling? How did you get reconnected...if you did? Have you ever helped a friend through a time of separation? Is there someone in your life right now who's feeling separated from God and might get something out of joining us on Sunday? Let's get ready for Sunday through the blog. Invite anyone you know to check it out.


Jenn said...

Hey all. I'm really, really excited for next week. Can't even tell you. lol. Seperation from God has always been one of the hardest things for me to deal with. It's always hard to remember that we are never really seperated from him, He is just waiting for us to re-open our hearts to what he has to say and to his love. But yeah, way excited.

So, I'm working on a flier to put up in some shops and so forth and wanted to know if any of you had a picture I could put in it(I know I saw Dierdre taking some the other night). If not that's cool, just thought I would ask.

Mindy and Coda said...

Hey everyone,
sunday does sound like fun! I can't wait.

Jenn, I could bring my camera on sunday and then I could help you make up and distribute the fliers. Just let me know all of the details!!

God Bless

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey! I have been thinking about this topic all week and really looking forward to our discussion this Sunday night. These are some Scriptures that I would like to bring to the table of our discussion - James 4:4-8, Isaiah 45:15, Psalm 44:24, & Psalm 27:7-8.

See You Sunday Night!